The excitements were everywhere as banners, posters are up in every nook and corner of the shop - Alam Akademik formerly known as Kedai Pok Loh Yunang They came in full force, ex teachers, housewives,schoolchildren, pensioners (like me) schoolmate and kampongmate of the author.My former classmate Mr Tan Lip Chuan, a successful local businessman came and bought 10 copies of GUIT to get it signed and pass it to friends and business associates as gifts.
The 'guests' line up for the registration and by 10.30am the mayhem begins the moment Awang Goneng entourage arrived. The event was schedule at 11.00am though.
Its supposed to be a ordinary peoples' affair, no grandeur of sorts. But I was suprised to notice that there 're a few familiar VIP in attendance. There's Dato Mohd Said, MP for Jasin, Dato Mohamed Aziz MP for Sri Gading and three local VIP Dato.Nasir Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri,Dato Azmi MP for Kuala Nerus and K.Terengganu MP Dato Razali Ismail.
I was made to understand later that the famous duo were in town for other event but when they heard that GUIT was to be launched that day and the chances of having their books signed by the author himself, they make their way to the shop accompany by their counterparts. But its common with VIP they always find reasons to jump queue. I had mine signed earlier on. They came, shake or rather touch your hand, theirs eyes and minds are somewhere else they don't look at you in the face.No wonder they don't remember us the next encounter.They don't touch my heart as Awang Goneng did.
The Famous Duo, Dato Mat Said and Dato Mohamed Aziz having their book signed by the author.
Awang Goneng, Yours Truly and Mr Razali (our ex P.E teacher)
The 'Fifth Generation of Pok Loh Yunang' singing a Nasyid.(in English)
Now I've seen the man himself, after having a word or two and listening to him reading a few paragraph of his book. Its wonderful everytime leafing through the pages of GUIT I can feel and sense as if he was there infront storytelling word by word.......''There is that certain special feeling, that now we are no longer mere virtual friends, when we visit each other’s blog we understand the person better. Ahh..nice!'' borrowing the wisdom of my favourite blogger
changgeh, Congratulation!!.
Thanks for letting me know of your first posting. Indeed a great first posting and you did well indeed in narrating the 'GUIT' special in Terengganu. A double historical events, first it is your first posting and second that special event of GUIT in home-ground.
From reading your comments on blogs I knew you would soon post something of interest like what you just did.
Carry on and enjoy blogging. Have a nice day and take care.
Saw your name on Pak Idrus. Curiosity driven, I made a click on it and here I am. You sure did one great first posting here. My first(around a couple of months ago) was a bit messy *sigh*~. But it is OK I think, learning from mistakes is good.
I had my GUiT signed too, in a Blogger Tea Session(BTS) in Kinokuniya Coffee Club some times ago. If you ask me what describes Trengganu living the best, well, GUiT is my answer. Being a Kelantanese myself, most of the Trengganu-slanged words are quite familiar; extra credit for me. But the glossary at the back is always helpful. But being from a completely different generation, the book revealed me a clearer picture of living in the age of yours.
Well, you have a nice day, and enjoy blogsphere. Keep well.
Pak Idrus Sir,
Thank you for visiting. And I'd not have made it without your strong words of support. You're right all along the first step that all it takes for every endeavour.
Thanks again and take care.
Hello Changgeh,
CONGRATULATIONS on your first blog entry debut. Well done indeed.
When I went to Dome, KLCC to meet Kak Teh and Awang Goneng for GUIT recently, I did not expect to meet Pak Idrus there and many other bloggers too, but I did and it was wonderful. There Pak Idrus mentioned you, about how he was so looking forward to read your first entry..and voila! Here it is. It has happened..ha ha. I know Pak Idrus is absolutely delighted.
I can see from the photos GUIT in Trengganu was a great success.
Oh I am so complimented to have been mentioned and quoted in such a special way here. Thank you.
Here's wishing you and loved ones:
Congratulations on your first posting and welcome to the blogging world!
I can safely say that Awang Goneng did not plan to have politicians in the GUIT signing. One very senior Terengganu Dato' remarked that it is very near election time and opportunities would be taken by opportunists. Disgusting but true.
Cikgu Razali was our P.E. Teacher too and was one of the teachers in charge of the Cadet Corp (the other one was the late Chan Ah Kim).
Keep on writing.
bang, congrats. nice posting. looking forward for more!!!
I was there waiting for my books to be signed right after you. Must say, you don't look like someone who has just retired. During tea, at the back of Keda Pok Loh Yunang, I overheard you propitiously introduced yourself to someone else as blogger Changgeh. So you have now taken the plunge, and are floating like a butterfly.
After AG signed the books, I made a beeline towards a familiar looking septuagenarian among the chock-a-block crowd. After confirming that he’s a pre-Merdeka Shell Scholar who has worked for Shell all his working life, he then dropped the, er, bombshell. He is a blogger too, and quietly blogs about the philantrophic work that he has been doing in KT after his retirement in the early 1990s. Lately he blogs about his carefree student days in the UK. And he is merely scratching the surface, so you ain't missing anything yet.
GUiT Book Launch is indeed a momentous event where bloggers are born and discovered, and GUiT fans may now know who a Malaysian in Riyadh is (LOL). Keep on staying afloat in the blogosphere.
Thanks a million for the unexpected visits. Its really true Pak Idrus is a gem of sorts. His blogging culture lifts the spirit within us. I am being new like you needs all the encouragement. Its okay to err. They say practice make perfect.
I 've visited your blog a few times and was very much impress with the improvement. I was in KL last week and from Zawi's blog I understand that both of you visited Pak Idrus and have lunch at his house. Having your GUIT autograph at the Coffee Club and many more. I would love to meet you in person one of these days.Insyaallah. Thank you again and have a nice day.
Salam Changgeh
Crossed over from Pak Idrus'. Welcome to the world of blogging.
mr changgeh,
yes, i noticed u there. indeed very exciting. thanks for posting a comment on my blog entry. never thot u wer a 'new blogger' (like me), but u are a better writer (unlike me!). i gasp for words... hopefully practice makes perfect for me as well!
I came across this page from Pak Idrus when it was still in its virginal state (pun intended) with the passing of all important 'first time' I am really looking forward to more coming from the one and only sangsura.
Dear Changgeh,
We havent met. Hello, I am Elviza.
I have been waiting in vain for someone to blog about the Moonson Cuppa. I know aMiR and Bergen were going to be there.
Elsewhere, no one blogs about it until, oh well, this blog does.
I am so ecstatic! Siap ada gambar lagi tuh...
And you met aMiR. I havent been that fortunate thus far. I am praying that he will take the plunge himself and come out with his own blog.
Look forward to seeing you in the future.
May I respond to Elviza. What a year 2007 has been for me in the blogosphere. As for taking the plunge myself, I will I will once I have mastered all the basic skills to make a link, moderate comments, insert photos, etc etc. Right now am so buta huruf. I only need a 30 minutes solid tutorial. Too lazy to learn all that jazz by myself.
Although Changgeh and I were both there at Monsoon Cuppa but we didn't introduce ourselves to each other. And Bergen was there too? Hmm, how about Clark Cable of Pulau Duyong?
Thank you for knocking the door and you're most welcome.Its true we havent met but then I have heard much about you,your lovely son Luqman and Jeffree too. Thanks to blogsphere, bloggerhood.Like PakZawi said I quote'Elviza Michelle a trueblue Kelantanese but whose name doesn't even sound like a Kelantanese'Your buddies address you as Shell, am I right?
I visited your blog quite number of times and youre a real writer and I adore every posting, your choice of words especially the narration about Tanjong Jara. The place is really 'a heaven on earth'Been there a few times during my working days.Looking forward for more postings from you.
About the GUIT signing in K.Terengganu, yes it was quite a successful event and I think aMiR can testify to that.Yes he was there and according to him he was right behind me but unfortunately we didn't introduce ourselves.The pictures that I took,the images were not that good. What do you expect from a cheap camera. Anyway I think it serves the purpose.
Well aMiR the pleasure is all yours you have my permission to response to Elviza as long as you need be. aMir is nice to know you and now I know who a Malaysian in Riyadh is.We are praying that you that the plunge in blogsphere.
Bye for now Elviza and I'm looking forward to hear more about you and the family. Take care
sorry..nak tanya cikgu zali tu pernah tak jadi lecturer di KUsza dan IPTS sebelum ni...kalau tak silap
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